Pam Chapman - teaching the educators of tomorrow

Pam Chapman

Growing up in a small country town, I had an amazing teacher that had a really strong influence on me as the learner, and I realised early on that I want to be that person to influence children and be that really positive person to help them see their full potential.

I found my way in to early childhood education and I loved working hands-on with the children and then I made the transition to working in tertiary education and I began to teach tomorrow’s educators.

I think that when you make the learning real, or so then the children can understand the importance and significance of what they’re learning, the students are really engaged, they’re interested, they’re asking questions, they’re going away afterwards reading articles, watching YouTube, and I love that. I love when students want to challenge ideas and, you know really provoke their thoughts.

I teach my students to embrace their diversity and respect themselves for who they are and when they do that, they become comfortable within themselves. They’re more comfortable to ask the questions put their ideas forward and challenge different opinions, which is fantastic which is the essence of what we want for the students.

Empowering our students with knowledge would be the greatest gift that I can give. My name’s Pam and I teach the educators of tomorrow.

My name’s Pam and I teach the educators of tomorrow.

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Influence education. Victoria Polytechnic.

Influence tomorrow. Victoria Polytechnic.

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