Services & support

We've summarised the most important things that you need to know as a new student to help you get started including orientation activities, and where to go for help and advice.

Getting started at Victoria University Polytechnic 

Preparing to start at Victoria University Polytechnic can be a big change for many of our students. Find important information to help you get started with your studies.

This induction information is designed to assist you with your study and experiences here at Victoria University Polytechnic.


Victoria University Polytechnic offers a range of orientation activities to help you which provide you with information for support services, campus tours and lots of fun activities.

Student charter

The student charter outlines your rights and responsibilities as a student here at Victoria University Polytechnic. It is important for you to know your rights and responsibilities so that you are able to exercise them appropriately.

Safety & security

Our safety & security programs promote a safe, healthy campus for all. Find out what services are available to you, and what to do in the case of an emergency.

Online tools

Manage your course

Support & wellbeing

We offer you support for your studies, personal and other needs in a nurturing and caring environment, to help you make the most of your studies and time at Victoria University Polytechnic. All our internal services are free to VU students so you will not have to pay any additional charges, with many of them being funded by your Student Services Amenities Fee (SSAF).

Apprentice Support Program

Help for apprentices to work through challenges that may occur during their apprenticeship, whether they are workplace, training or personal in nature.

TAFE Student Support

If you’re experiencing issues or challenges in your course, you can seek support with our TAFE Student Support team. We can:

  • provide advice
  • assist you in accessing all VU student services
  • direct you to specialised supports and services outside of VU, depending on your needs
  • provide ongoing or follow-up support
  • arrange group work and guest speaker workshops.

We're available Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm. Contact:

Madeleine Nicholls
0435 228 459

Joanne Maret
0435 159 589

Learning Hubs

Learning Hubs are welcoming spaces where you can get advice on your assignments and guidance on your career. 

We offer practical workshops and drop-in sessions on maths, writing, digital-literacy, research and more – as well as after-hours online advice.

We also have peer mentors – experienced, successful students – here to pass on their invaluable knowledge and skills.

Complaints resolution

Victoria University Polytechnic has a Student Complaint Resolution policy to guide you through the steps you can take to resolve problems.

Find out more about the complaint resolution process, including suggestions for resolving the problem before making an official complaint.

Student advocacy

Every student has access to confidential advice, support and representation services from Student Advocacy.

Find out more about the services Student Advocacy offer, or call +61 3 9919 5400 to make an appointment.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander student support

Moondani Balluk provides advice, assistance and support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students studying at Victoria University Polytechnic. This includes financial, academic and pastoral support.

Moondani Balluk is a culturally safe and supportive place for Aboriginal students and staff at VU. For more information on support and contact please visit the Moondani Balluk webpage.


Counselling services provides professional services designed to assist you as a student in your personal, psychological and social development.

Our staff support student academic success and provide counselling wellbeing resources.

Disability support

If you have a disability or medical condition that may impact upon your studies, Disability Services can support and assist you with our range of support and resources.

Disability support services at VU Polytechnic include academic and in-class support, facilitating alternative arrangements, library support, and access to specialist equipment and software.

Financial advice & assistance

If you are having a hard time financially we have professional staff who can provide you with financial advice & assistance with study and living costs.

Health & wellbeing advice

We can help you with different aspects of your physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing. We can provide confidential support to help you develop practical skills to better manage your time, money and personal issues. Our health adviser at VU Polytechnic can provide advice, information and referrals.

Housing & accommodation

Our Student Housing Service can provide you with free advice and assistance with housing & accommodation, including tenancy problems and your finances.

Information technology support

As a student, you have access to a rich collection of online resources, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which includes:

  • databases or material housed within the Library
  • student email
  • e-learning content for courses you are enrolled in
  • student software packages innovative social networking tools.

If you need specific help not available online you can contact the ITS service desk during opening hours.

Refugees & asylum seekers

We offer support to refugees and asylum seekers who would like to take up free or subsidised courses at VU Polytechnic.

Read about our courses and opportunities for refugees and asylum seekers.

Skills First Youth Access Initiative

If you are a young Victorian, the Skills First Youth Access Initiative can help you to enrol in subsidised accredited vocational education and training (VET) courses and maximise your prospects of valuable work.

Life on campus

Victoria University Polytechnic aims to enrich your social and learning opportunities while studying as well as provide you with important information relating to your life on campus, including:

Jobs & placements

Prepare for your career and future after studying. Our industry placements prepare you with practical work experience during your course in a trade, industry profession or the community, while our career and job services provide employment opportunities and career advancement in many general and specialist areas.


During your time at VU Polytechnic you may be required to fill out a form related to your studies. We've put together a list of the most commonly used student forms.

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