Learning at VU Polytechnic - Meredith's journey

Meredith Hunt

My name is Meredith Hunt. I am currently studying an Advanced Diploma of Legal Practice at VU Polytechnic.

The course that I'm doing is a full time course. I'm there Monday to Thursday at the moment, 10-5.

VU Polytechnic is extremely hands-on.

The university actually organised a moot court. It was really good fun, and I learnt so many new skills that I can now apply, like arguing and making sure you get all your points across and being strong in the way that you speak. So that was really interesting to see how that worked.

Through doing the Advanced Diploma of Legal Practice course, it has helped me get a placement in the workplace as a contractor care analyst. It is kind of similar to working as something in a law firm, it all links in.

One day, I would like to see myself as a barrister at the supreme court. It's going to take a while for me to get there but I do see myself doing it, I've always wanted to help people. I would love to be able to help people, and apply my passion with it as well.

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