Successful Careers in Health & Community Services Expo draws enthusiastic crowd

30 May 2023

On 24 May 2023, VU Skills & Jobs Centre, in collaboration with the College of Health and Community Services, hosted the Careers in Health & Community Services Expo. The event attracted 220 individuals eager to explore career opportunities in the field. Despite the abundance of job fairs and careers expos happening concurrently in the community, the event garnered impressive attendance, showcasing the high level of interest in the health and community services sector.

A group of audience members watching a presentation off camera.

The expo featured 14 industry exhibits, along with interactive information sessions and visits to classrooms. Attendees had the chance to engage with professionals from various sectors and gain valuable insights into potential career paths. Exhibitors expressed their satisfaction with the event, and both exhibitors and visitors reported overwhelmingly positive feedback. Many attendees even secured employment or training opportunities as a direct result of their participation in the expo.

The event was packed with informative sessions and engaging activities designed to provide attendees with hands-on experiences. The day kicked off with a nursing, NEPT (Non-Emergency Patient Transport) and an emergency healthcare lab tour, accompanied by interactive activities and Q&A sessions. A student-run simulation scenario also took place, offering participants a chance to witness real-world emergency healthcare situations and engage in discussions with experts.

Paramedics demonstrating their training modules to a group of expo attendees.

There were also open classroom and information sessions for Early Childhood Education, providing attendees with an opportunity to learn about the course and ask questions directly to teachers. Another course information session, this time for Community Services, was held followed by a tour of counselling rooms.

The success of the Careers in Health & Community Services Expo has prompted VU Skills & Jobs Centre to develop a detailed case study to celebrate the event's achievements. This analysis will provide valuable insights into the gaps and needs of the industry, helping VU address them effectively and create more impactful events in the future.

Overall, the expo proved to be a valuable platform for individuals interested in pursuing careers in the health and community services sector. The positive feedback from exhibitors and attendees, as well as the employment and training outcomes resulting from the event, highlight its success in connecting eager individuals with industry professionals and opportunities in the field.

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