Shana's empowering approach to fitness

12 June 2020

A keen sportsperson, Shana Robinson completed a Certificate III in Fitness (SIS30315) and a Certificate IV in Fitness (SIS40215) at VU Polytechnic. She empowers her clients to believe in their capability and strength, and runs fitness classes in-person and online.

"I grew up playing sport and strongly believe in the many benefits that exercise can have on both the mind and the body. I decided to take the next step and complete my Certificate III and IV in Fitness.

"I couldn’t have imagined doing this course anywhere else. There were so many opportunities for hands-on learning throughout the course. 60+ hours of practical placement, clinic once a week with various clients, sessions working with both primary school and high school students, numerous workshops, and classroom activities.

"I enjoyed getting to work with different clients throughout the course. Each individual has unique complexities, and I learnt to be prepared for every situation."

Exercising the mind

"People tend to think that fitness training is a matter of taking people through workouts, but it is not as simple as that. Our bodies are capable of so much but it is the mind that is often stopping us. I help clients develop the mindset that they are capable and strong – because once you have the right mindset, the rest will follow.

"Exercise is not just good for the body – it’s so important for the mind as well. There’s a mind, body, soul connection, and even a short burst of exercise in a day can make a world of difference. I love helping to guide people through their fitness journey and find it extremely rewarding to witness them achieving their goals, knowing that I’ve helped and supported them along the way."

Virtual fitness during the COVID-19 lockdown

"I am now the supervisor of the VU Werribee Health and Fitness Centre. When COVID-19 government restrictions came in, our VU team thought about how we could still interact with individuals and help to keep them active during isolation. We decided to set up daily online team training sessions. The aim of the sessions is to keep as many people as active and healthy as possible and are therefore free and open to everyone.

"We cater to all fitness levels and offer modifications for most exercises. The sessions also give people the opportunity to connect with others. The initiative has really caught on. We have people joining from all around Victoria including families, people of all ages, and members of the community who had never attended a class before.

"As well as the team training sessions, anyone can book in with us for a 15-minute appointment to get advice on their health and fitness.

"I’ve loved to be in a position to help others, especially in a time like this. Some things are out of our control and it has been nice to learn to adjust to a new way of living and explore new ways to help our members and community. Fitness is a dynamic industry: with workouts and trends continually adapting to meet clients’ needs – and I think the ways we work with clients will continue to evolve."

Shana Robinson holding a blood pressure cuff, at the VU gym, in a VU Polytechnic uniform

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