Pursuing a rewarding career in law

19 June 2019

Claire Farley is completing the Advanced Diploma of Legal Practice. She juggles part-time study alongside her job as a claims manager at Linfox Australia Pty Ltd.

"My studies have given me the confidence and comfort within the legal industry and to bring further value and knowledge to my current profession. I believe that this course has given me the resilience and motivation to go forth and strive for my goal of studying the Bachelor of Laws.

It is with certainty I can say that since I have commenced the Advanced Diploma of Legal Practice in early 2018, my knowledge and application of the subject has given me the utmost confidence in practicing within the legal profession. The subjects offered and the knowledgeable staff have helped give depth to my abilities and give further service to my job.

I work for Linfox – a national logistics and supply chain organisation as a claims manager. It is my role to investigate and make decisions on work related and non-work-related injury claims based on the information available to me. The decision-making process requires the ability to read and interpret legislation and make decisions based on the law and facts.

I was encouraged by my colleagues to study law, but I was hesitant to take on such a demand – both as an additional burden on a full-time job, and as a development challenge. I was apprehensive at belonging in such a course, and afraid that I would not be able to commit myself as fully as I wished. However, these fears were unfounded; because by combining work and study, it has made me better at time management, delegation and prioritising. And I definitely belong in this course.

I researched the other legal programs offered in Melbourne and found the advanced diploma offered by Victoria University at the Nicholson Campus in Footscray. For me, it was the perfect introductory course to the law that I was looking for and the location suited me really well, given that I live in the west side of Melbourne.

The highlight of my study experience so far, has been the student mock trials. I have been involved in two different mock trial simulations with my fellow students and in both acted in the role of senior counsel.

My responsibilities included preparing and delivering my arguments and debating against my peers in front of a trial judge and a panel of student judges. If you had told me I would be participating and thriving in such experiences a couple of years ago I would not have believed you! But these trials have improved my confidence, both in public speaking and in fine tuning my ability to research and argue the law. As well, I have benefited from the support of my teachers, colleagues and peers and this has made for a more enriching learning experience.

In addition to the learning experience at VU, I was elected to represent my fellow students on the Academic Board. I participate in monthly meetings with other elected board members to make impactful contributions to VU life. My involvement has allowed me to make interesting connections with educators and other professionals involved with the University. I am a strong believer that opportunities and learning lessons are attached to people, so it’s really important to reach out and meet and speak with people as much as you can, which is one of the many reasons why I was interested to be a part of the Academic Board as a student representative.

I am so excited for the future and look forward to taking my knowledge onto the next level with the Bachelor of Laws."

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