Free workshops at the Wyndham Learning Festival

26 July 2021

VU Polytechnic is the proud gold sponsor of the Wyndham Learning Festival on 1–5 September 2021. Find out about our free workshops. 

The Wyndham Learning Festival is week-long event that provides opportunities for free learning activities for the local community. The festival has activities for all ages and promotes lifelong learning. This year, the festival will be a smaller and more curated experience with a limit of 55 in-person and virtual events across the 5 days. Activities are open to everyone and there is no cost to participate. 

The annual festival provides multiple opportunities to showcase the diversity of VU Polytechnic’s education programs and excite the community about the transformational benefits of education for work, life and self.

Learn more & register to attend VU Polytechnic's free workshops

Workshop 1: Assess your employability

Considering a career change? Need to improve the content of your resume? Struggling to answer questions about your skills when applying for a new job?

Assess your transferable skills to understand the range of career opportunities available to you. This workshop explores the ‘8 Key Employability Skills’ universally valued by employers and assists participants to articulate their proficiencies in each of these key areas.

Register for the assess your employability workshop.

Workshop 2: Mental health & wellness

The impacts of COVID-19, social distancing and lockdown may have made you feel anxious, stressed or worried, leading to a decline in mental health. By expanding your understanding of mental health and wellness, and learning some healthy new life skills to apply in your everyday life, you will be better positioned to support your own and other people's mental health. This workshop consists of an introduction to mental health, self-care and wellbeing, group activities focused on holistic wellness and reframing of thoughts, and a closing discussion.

Register for the mental health and wellness workshop.

Workshop 3: Cyber security

With the increase in cybercrime reports and cyber security incidents, every organisation in Australia is building teams to identify and manage cyber threats. In this workshop, you will learn about security threats to data and information, investigate how they affect our society, and develop the key skills required to manage these types of threats. You will also be introduced to data and network protection strategies and will investigate how cyber security experts joined the industry and what career pathways are available.

Register for the cyber security workshop. 

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