Free learning activities at the Wyndham Learning Festival

29 September 2020

VU Polytechnic is the proud gold sponsor of the Wyndham Learning Festival on 23–30 November 2020. Find out about our free workshops. 

The Wyndham Learning Festival is week-long event that provides opportunities for free learning activities for the local community. The festival has activities for all ages and promotes lifelong learning. This year, activities are fully online and open to everyone. There is no cost to participate. 

The annual festival provides multiple opportunities to showcase the diversity of VU Polytechnic’s education programs and excite the community about the transformational benefits of education for work, life and self.

Learn more & register to attend VU Polytechnic’s free workshops & classes

Workshop: I'm bored! Utilising cost-free, household items to promote children’s play & learning

23 November 2020, 10.30-11am
Isolation and lockdown brought on by COVID-19 restrictions has challenged many of us but none more so than the parents of young children. This workshop will share some practical and useful ideas on how to use cost free items around your home and garden to engage with young children to promote play and learning.
Register for 'I'm bored' workshop

Workshop: Setting up a home router with CISCO Packet Tracer

23 November 2020, 3–3.30pm
30 November 2020, 3–3.30pm
This short demonstration will show you how to create and configure a home network and how to test connectivity using CISCO Packet Tracer software.
Register for home router workshop.

Workshop: Refresh your resume

24 November 2020, 11am–12pm
Learn some simple tips to structure an effective, tailored resume so you can land your perfect job.
Register for resume workshop.

Workshop: Improve your job search

25 November 2020, 11am–12pm
Understand the changing nature of job seeking with expert advice on current job search methods.
Register for job search workshop.

Workshop: What should I study?

26 November 2020, 4–5pm
Considering tertiary study but not sure what course suits you? This workshop will take you through all the possibilities and help you make an informed decision.
Register for study workshop.

Workshop: Stay safe online with improved social media awareness

27 November 2020, 11am–12pm
This social media awareness workshop will enable you to develop strategies and practices to remain safe online while enjoying the many benefits that come from active use of social networks.
Register for online safety workshop.

Installing and using WordPress to build a website

27 November 2020, 1pm–1.45pm
A demonstration on how to obtain, install and use the free (open source) WordPress Content Management System software to build a website.
Register for the WordPress demonstration.

Workshop: Creating compelling characters

27 November 2020, 7–8.30pm
A workshop for fiction writers who want to write more dynamic fiction. Learn how to create three-dimensional characters that readers can care about and empathise with to help bring your fiction to life.
Register for fiction writing workshop.

CISCO Academy Introduction to Cybersecurity (free self-directed learning)

This self-paced free course (approximately 15 hours) introduces foundational concepts of cybersecurity.
Register for CISCO cybersecurity workshop.

Optus Cybersecurity Experience (free self-directed learning)

This free program is open to anyone with an interest in cybersecurity. The program explores six cybersecurity careers as well as the decision processes involved in a typical corporate cyber security attack.
Register for Optus cybersecurity workshop.

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