Encouraging lifelong learning at the Wyndham Learning Festival

30 September 2019

VU Polytechnic was once again a proud Gold Sponsor for this year’s Wyndham Learning Festival. From 1-8 September VU Polytechnic hosted a series of workshops including a creative writing workshop, dementia information workshop, Multicultural Day and a workshop on safe sleeping for infants and young children.

Our week of Wyndham Learning Festival events kicked off with an informative workshop on dementia on Monday 2 September, covering the types of dementia, symptoms, and how to assist an individual suffering from dementia. Visitors experienced immersive VR technology demonstrating the life and experiences of those affected. 

On Wednesday, the festival was in full swing during the Multicultural Day at our Werribee Campus. Songs, poetry and dances were performed by our students and teachers in recognition of VU’s diverse nationalities and cultures. Personal stories and experiences were shared by our students and cultural heritage was celebrated through an assortment of delicious foods. 

Our creative writing workshop was also a huge success. Delivered by Demet Divaroren, the workshop focused on writing from somebody else’s point of view. We hosted a group of enthusiastic and committed budding writers who expressed interest in undertaking further study in writing.

Our safe sleeping workshop for infants and young children provided an overview on the importance of employing safe sleeping principles. Students learnt how to implement best practice guidelines to reduce the risk of sudden and unexpected death in infancy. The workshop concluded with a live demonstration and techniques on how to correctly swaddle a newborn. 

Finally, the festival concluded with the STEAM Community and Family Discovery Day at the Wyndham Tech School. Family and children were kept engaged with VR simulation experiences, an augmented virtual reality gallery and a 360 degree projection in the Immersion Studio, as a way of learning about new spatial computing and futuristic visualisation.

Victoria University Polytechnic is proud to be a part of the Wyndham Learning Festival as an opportunity to provide free learning activities across the city of Wyndham. A big thank you to all the staff, students and attendees who supported this initiative. 

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