Advancing education with robotics

02 September 2020

Congratulations to Gail Bray (Director of Wyndham Tech School, Learning & Innovation) for her influence and contribution to the Australian Centre for Robotic Vision’s Robotics Roadmap for Education (Version 2).

The Robotics Roadmap for Australia, released in 2018, maps out Australian industries engaged in robotics and demonstrates the valuable impact it has on the economy. The document provides an overview of the industry and a sectoral breakdown of current activity and future outlook.

In August 2020, Gail represented the vocational education and training sector, as well as secondary schools, in the working group discussion to commence the second edition of the roadmap.

Chaired by Dr Sue Keay (CEO at Queensland AI Hub and Chair, Robotics Australia Group), the nationwide panel discussion with over 100 attendees introduced current initiatives in robotics, from primary schooling right through to higher education.

During the discussion, Gail highlighted the importance of industry connections and practical applications in VET training, for successful employment outcomes. 

Gail says, “We have significant opportunities to consider as we receive secondary school students through the Wyndham Tech School, and as we upskill/reskill the existing workforce through the Sunshine Skills Hub."

“We are working through pathway strategies from Wyndham Tech School to higher education, plans for digital apprenticeships and traineeships, micro-credentials, and the modernisation of our engineering and computer systems certificate courses to include the use of robotics.”

As an outcome of the panel discussion, primary and secondary schools, VET and higher education providers around Australia are now invited to submit a case study.

Submit your case study

Contribute to the robotics roadmap by providing a case study with less than 400 words and 1-2 images to Damien Kee by emailing

About the Australian Centre for Robotics Vision

The Australian Centre for Robotics Vision is a national research centre leading the world in the new discipline of robotic vision, applying computer vision to robotics. The Centre is funded under the Australian Research Council’s Centres of Excellence Program and have a responsibility to provide national leadership for the robotics community in Australia.

About the Wyndham Tech School

High school students and teachers can immerse themselves in industry-led programs and interact with advanced technologies that activates curiosity, challenges thinking and promotes problem solving. The Wyndham Tech School is hosted by Victoria University, located at their Werribee Campus.

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