5 minutes with… Daniel Arlingon, Certificate IV in Cyber Security graduate

04 November 2020

Daniel recently completed his Certificate IV in Cybersecurity at our new Cybersecurity Training Centre, located at our St Albans Campus. Currently working as a Customer Service Engineer for a global software company, Daniel spoke with us about where he thinks the industry is heading and how his training helped him. 

What do you enjoy most about working in technology/cyber security?
What I enjoy the most about this sector are the opportunities to constantly learn and be on your toes (mentally). It never gets dull or boring because you need to be active all the time. The people you get to associate with also make things interesting as they usually have similar interests. 

How did your training at VU Polytechnic in the Certificate IV in Cyber Security help prepare you for work in the tech industry?
My time studying at VU Polytechnic gave me a good foundation in IT. The teachers were very helpful and had a wealth of knowledge. The encouragement that I received pushed me ahead. The more proactive I was and the more interest I showed, the more help I got!

In your opinion, what do you think are the most important skills needed to work in cyber security and technology?
I feel that you need to be a curious person who is willing to dive deep into a subject or a problem and discover solutions. You need to be calm and mentally strong to be able to constantly think. Work in cybersecurity/IT is mostly about problem-solving and finding solutions.

What do you see are the opportunities for the digital tech sector? And how do you wish to contribute?
I see that the world is heading towards everything IT. The COVID-19 pandemic showed us how important information technology is. It may be the only way forward for us. I would love to work for the Australian Government to serve the public through my cyber skills.

What are your top tips to current or prospective students who are trying to secure a role in cybersecurity or tech or who are looking to commence training?
I would suggest that you should try and secure any IT-related jobs. Even if you want to be a Cybersecurity Analyst you may need to start with a helpdesk job. Keep studying and learning new skills, and constantly apply for jobs. Don’t be afraid of rejection. Rejection is a part of life, so keep trying. It is when you stop trying that you fail!

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